Announcement: Introductory Workshop for Highly Sensitive People
Introductory Workshop for Highly Sensitive People Do you feel things
Introductory Workshop for Highly Sensitive People Do you feel things
"There is no truth except the truth that exists within
Do you ever come back from vacations feeling like you
I've spent the past few months gathering information and experimenting
I'm excited to share about an upcoming collaboration with my
Recently I had the opportunity to be part of a
One of my mentors recently said to me “Don’t look
Studies show that over 65% of people report feeling stressed over
Bound·a·ry noun a line that marks the limits of an
The past several weeks have been a doozie for me.
Recently a good friend and colleague of mine and I
The other day I was waiting outside of Starbucks for
Recently I wrote a post emphasizing the importance of speaking your
Recently I took a trip to Colorado to celebrate the
My son and I were racing out the door this
I’ve spent that past few months learning about our nervous
I'm going to start by sharing a little confession with
When we focus on the fear of judgement, loss, or criticism, it becomes impossible to show up. And when we pay attention to our values around courage, connection, authenticity, it becomes impossible not to.
Can relate to this? You've been going, going, going and your
I typically create a vision board for myself around the