Make the Most of the Holidays: 10 Simple Practices Gallery Make the Most of the Holidays: 10 Simple Practices This time of year can feel so full. And in Tags: anxiety, boundaries, breath, compassion, gratitude, holiday, intentions, meditation, self-care, stress, taking in the good|
On choosing love: What would love say or do in this situation? Gallery On choosing love: What would love say or do in this situation? This post was inspired by one of the lessons I Tags: a course in miracles, Brene Brown, connection, love, Resourcing, taking in the good, valentine's day|
Power of the Positive Part 1: Taking in the good Gallery Power of the Positive Part 1: Taking in the good The other day I was waiting outside of Starbucks for Tags: anxiety, depression, Neuroscience, positive, Resourcing, rick hanson, taking in the good|